Monday, August 9, 2010

Plastic bag ban - sample letter

Hello, Sara:

I'm spending some time today to contact all of my state and local elected officials to express my support of a ban on single-use grocery bags in stores, shops and pharmacies in Oregon. San Francisco has implemented such a ban, and I'm sure you know Portland has one in the works as well. I've read that Oregon had such a bill last year, but it didn't come to fruition, so it's up for consideration again in January. It's very very very important that we stop contributing to the pollution of our waterways with plastics, especially plastic bags. We're choking our aquatic and marine wildlife. Many people won't be able to make this change of their own choice. Plastics are too pervasive and perceived as cheap and easy. Saying no to them takes great will-power, work and sacrifice, and most people are trying too hard just to get by in life right now. The only way the change can really be made is if the government puts a foot down and says, "Oregon isn't going to give in to the plastic companies anymore." A 5 cent bag charge isn't enough to deter people. A $3 charge for a reusable bag is far more likely to get peoples' attention and encourage them to bring their own bags. Please help by lending your voice to this legislation.

Thank you very much,

Wendy Peterman
Environmental Scientist
2357 NW Green Circle
Corvallis, OR 97333

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