Monday, January 18, 2010

I love this picture, because it has so many levels of thought and understanding to it. At first glance, it's this totally awesome picture of blue and white, ocean and sky, awe and power. Looking closer, there's an iceberg poking it's head out of the water's surface. Looking closer, there's the rest of the iceberg, huge and massive lingering below the ocean's surface. I've heard it said that only half of the iceberg is visible above the water, and that people don't realize there is just as much mass sitting below the surface as well. That's what got the Titanic - the mass of iceberg under the water that couldn't be seen. Imagine how cold the water must be to maintain so much ice in it's depths. How quickly might that iceberg disappear if the water heats up even a degree or two? Where will the mass of all that frozen water go when it thaws? Will our descendants ever see this amazing sight?

1 comment:

  1. I love this picture! I have always been facinated by icebergs, especially the fact that we actually see so little of them on the surface.

    I think it is a perfect metaphor for human beings really. We generally only see the surface of most people, with so much of who we are hidden underneath, much hidden out of fear of unacceptance or ridicule. Imagine what the world would be like if we weren't afraid to speak up about our Earth and the environment!
